I've done it! I picked up a camera, and started talk to in showing bits of my life to the world. Honestly I did it for me. I have been feeling creatively trapped lately, I have loads of drafted blog posts but none I've felt worthy enough to post. I've been feeling like my life was really boring and nothing ever happened, which isn't entirely false but I wanted to start filming bits of my day to day life to remember that I do things, they just might not seem so important right now. Who knows in a few years time I might be able to look back on these moments and smile. But enough rambling you came here to know what I've learned... Well here it is.
I learned;
1. Cameras are heavy! Holding a camera up and just heaving a chat is hard work.
2. Talking is hard. Sometimes you just have nothing to say or the words don't come out like you wanted them to. That's the beauty of editing.
3.Filming little moments of happiness make you realize your life isn't so mundane, for example, I went to the driving range yesterday with my boyfriend and his friend, while I was horrible at it and couldn't hit the golf ball to save my life, I still had fun watching them and it was nice to be off work and outside even if it was too cold for April.
4. I've got to do more after I get off of work. Granted this week I worked until 8 p.m. most nights I still need to make the most of my free time. I will have more to look back on if I get out there and live life.
and last but not least 5. I need to pick up my camera more. Somedays I didn't even vlog which is a huge problem if I ever decided to be a daily vlogger. I want to film almost everything I do so I can remember it in years to come and I'll certainly be working on that in the coming weeks.
I'm sure I have most lessons to learn when it comes to vlogging, and I am excited to learn them and get better at this whole thing.
Hope you will take this journey with me! Watch my first vlog here and leave me some tips if you have any and I'll catch up with you all soon!
Until next time,
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